Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Testimonial: Birthday Magic

We can't stop blushing from a recent note we received from our birthday girl who received an amazing birthday card film from her loving husband.

Our biggest reward is the thought of her huge smile while watching the film.

Thank you, Glynnis. It was an honor to help celebrate your special birthday.

Dear Andrea,

I was swept off my feet when I saw your film, GLYNNIS UNPACKED. It was a complete surprise, but not only that, the film brought together the most precious parts of my life with such style and care, wit and humor. This is the most heartwarming gift anyone could ask for.
You combed through oodles of film for sure, not to mention pictures and home movies. And you created an absolute gem.

I am seriously impressed. And I can't thank you enough for your talent, your care, and your stamina!


Most sincerely,


...who is now, finally, very happily unpacked!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

We Give Thanks

Rewind Pictures has so much to be thankful this year.

But most of all we are thankful for our clients.

We are grateful to those of you who entrust us to preserve your family histories and ask us to help you celebrate special events.

You trust us with your family artifacts and confide in us your most cherished memories.

It is truly a privilege to enter your lives for a brief time and an honor to create keepsake films that we know will be cherished for years to come.

Thanks & Happy Thanksgiving.

xo The Rewind Pictures Team

The Best Birthday Gift? A Birthday Card Film

Rewind Pictures is enjoying a very busy fall season filled with filmmaking for many joyous occasions!

Recently, a loving husband commissioned us to create a "big birthday card" film for his loving wife on her milestone birthday. Our birthday girl is an actress, therefore, we had really fun film clips to work with along with unearthed Super 8 film from her childhood and gorgeous photos of her and her family spanning the years. We threw in some fun music and I must say, it might just be the coolest birthday card I have ever seen!

Birthday Card Film from Rewind Pictures on Vimeo.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

All you need is.....

In addition to editing fun, unique Bar/Bat Mitzvah photo montages and tribute films, we also LOVE to think outside of the box for your Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebration.

We are currently working on a very special Bat Mitzvah film filled with LOVE.

Last Saturday, we took advantage of a beautiful fall NYC day and turned our girl into Queen BEA(tle) for the day. Surrounded by people she LOVES, we filmed secret *hush hush* scenes in locations throughout the city that will be incorporated into the final film!

Here's a sneak peak of production stills you are going to LOVE.

Stay TUNED...the film is coming soon!

LOVE Sculpture

Central Park Bridge

On the Rocks
Bethseda Fountain

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