Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Testimonial: Bar Mitzvah Magic

Today we're sharing a wonderful photo by talented photographer
Fadi Kheir from a recent Bar Mitzvah in June at Powerhouse Arena in Brooklyn.

We created two photo montages projected on the gigantic white walls of the space for this beautiful event designed by Eyal Tessler of In Any Event. You might remember our recent post about it.

The montages captured the attention of the guests throughout the celebration and also served as great pieces of artwork (a definite way to cut some costs!).

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Whistle while you work....

We're happy to announce that Rewind Pictures has expanded......to include another desk space!

Today was DIY fix it day and we thought we would share it with you!

....or should we say it's just another day at the office? :-)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What's your summer project?

The dog days of summer are here. It's the time when you would rather be indoors than outdoors due to the sweltering heat. So what do you do with all of your downtime not spent on the beach or bopping around the city?

This summer I have vowed to do 2 things:
  • Finish my wedding album (before my 2nd wedding anniversary!)
  • Digitally archive my family's archival photos (I'm talking my Mom and Dad when they were babies!)
Now, don't get me wrong, it has literally taken me years of saying I was going to accomplish these two goals. But I am thinking that the reward will be worth the pain. I figure I will be all set when ready to make my family history film and my children and children's children will be happy that I have secured their family history by digitally archiving the photos.

My digital archiving tip:
Use a program like File Maker Pro to catalog the photos you are digitally archiving. That way you can store them with approximate dates, events and people marked.

Stay tuned for excepts from my summer project soon!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Speaking Your Language: Rewind Pictures Book Trailer

We are thrilled to present our newest Rewind Pictures adventure-a video book trailer for Ilie Ruby's newest release, "The Language of Trees" (Avon HarperCollins).

Ilie found us after seeing the last book trailer Florence edited and produced with Corinna Barsan of Other Press for Michelle Hoover's "The Quickening" (Other Press). We were thrilled to help fulfill her want for a little something to entice her potential readers and fans on the heels of "The Language of Trees" release on July 20, 2010.

We worked closely with Ilie to ensure we conveyed her vision, style and story line for this fascinating book. It was a pleasurable collaboration and we look forward to creating more in the future!

If you would like to know more about Ilie Ruby and the upcoming book release for "The Language of Trees" please go to her website www.ilieruby.com.

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