Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Rewind Pictures: Shoot Day!

Rewind Pictures had the pleasure of interviewing our client in his beautiful home on this glorious New York City morning. The sun was shining and the Rewind Pictures crew was in full motion!

Florence managed to snap a few shots of the action!

Flowers in bloom on the terrace

Sean sets up the shot

Interview in progress

I've got the questions, he had the answers

Stay tuned for the film coming later this summer!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Precious Cargo Onboard

Sorry to have kept you waiting, but I've been a bit busy in the past few days preparing for new and exciting upcoming projects.

Wonder what I'm spending my day doing today?
(I know you are dying to know!)

Scan, scan, scanning!

It might be a little monotonous, but I have the honor of handling our clients' most treasured family heirlooms and cutey pie photos!

Check this one out! Puppies and babies :-)

Be back next week with another Rewind Pictures premiere.

So hold tight and enjoy the sweltering summer heat.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Artwork for your special event

Recently we made two beautiful montages for a Bar Mitzvah celebration at Powerhouse Arena in Brooklyn.

We worked alongside event planner, Eyal Tessler, of In Any Event and our client to utilize the montages as works of art on the huge, white, lofty walls of the event space. Besides great content (some seriously great shots of our Bar Mitzvah boy) what else do you need to make your piece of art stand out?

A great frame.

We picked a nice modern frame to go along with the event design and imported one on each montage in our edit.

We had the honor of attending the event and were thrilled with the outcome! Not only did the client kill two birds with one stone by getting a montage and decor at once, but the photos looked fabulous and got the attention they deserve in their sparkly frame.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Testimonial: Shiny, Happy People!

Today we're sharing a photo of our recent Bat Mitzvah girl watching her montage at the celebration a few weeks ago in Westchester County.

How cute is she? A picture certainly speaks a thousand words.

Stay tuned for her montage on the blog very soon! It's a good one.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Rewind Pictures: Collaboration

Today we bring you a fabulous collaboration between two of my favorite ladies of the film & publishing worlds!

Corinna Barsan from Other Press recently called on Florence's expertise to edit a book trailer promoting one of their newest releases, The Quickening by Michelle Hoover. It was a perfect match for Rewind Pictures style. Florence incorporated an interview with Michelle, family photos and her great grandmother's journal entries, which were the inspiration for her book.

Wouldn't you like to have one of these behind-the-scenes trailers attached to every book on your wish list?

Bravo, ladies.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Bat Mitzvah Montage goes Hollywood!

Our newest Bat Mitzvah montage takes you to the movies.

Alongside fabulous event planners Emily & Lisa of Life of The Party Productions, we worked with our Bat Mitzvah mom and daughter to come up with another outside of the Mitzvah Montage box concept.

Bat Mitzvah girl, Amanda, is a big fan of Hollywood movies. Playing on this idea along with incorporating her Bat Mitzvah colors, we created a multi-section montage each headlined with fun clips from her favorite movies.

Researching film clips for this montage had us re-watching some of the funniest family movies of all time. What a blast! So grab your popcorn and pop on the couch for your trip back!

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