Friday, October 29, 2010

Meet Alice: 106 years of living

If you spend 12 minutes watching something today, it should be this.

106 year old Holocaust survivor, Alice, shares her personal history and the wisdom gained.

This is an example of why we started Rewind Pictures. Everyone has a story that needs to be told and recorded. Some are extraordinary, but all are essential.

Listen to some classical music today and embrace life like Alice.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Capturing a Moment in Time

I was enthralled this past Sunday evening with a story on CBS' 60 Minutes.

It chronicles a historical film taken over a century ago on Market Street in Chicago days before the major earthquake of 1906. It is a a time traveler's glimpse of a different era that we can now experience with our own eyes.

With the amount of recording done today, it made me realize that one hundred years from now we are most likely sealed in the record books and people will have a much easier time looking back at how we lived our lives. How times change so quickly and how important it is to document them.

Fascinating. Enjoy.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Finding meaning in new technology

There are thousands of photos, hours of video, and an infinite amount of text that document our lives every day. The challenge we are facing today is what to do with all of those materials.

We hope by now you know part of the answer to this dilemma: Rewind Pictures!

We can help you make something creative that will house your memories in one digital home. Whether it's a montage of photos set to music, a family history film that documents your story, or simply transferring or digitizing the photos and video that continue to sit in the box in your attic.

Recently, we found one really COOL way to use the technology literally at our fingertips along with life's documentation to do something completely outside of the box and definitely memorable!

In the spirit of fall wedding proposal season, enjoy!

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